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Margaret Carey Visits Projects

Margaret Carey has taken a keen interest in the work of MCF, the charity working in her name and whenever possible heads north to catch up with the staff and visit some of the projects.

In April 2019 Margaret spent 2 days with us, visiting the workshop at HMP Risley, the Hub in Bradford and the MCF Bikery in Shipley.

Last time Margaret visited the Shipley Bikery we were using the premises on Westgate on a meanwhile use basis and it still closely resembled a Chinese restaurant. She was delighted to see the changes at the Shipley Bikery and to see that both community projects were busy community resources.

After her visit Margaret sent the following comments with her thanks for an inspirational 2 days.

“It is really wonderful to see MCF flourishing as it approaches its tenth anniversary. Please pass on my thanks to the members of your staff team that I didn’t meet this time, and, of course, to the trustees. They must all be very proud of what is being achieved.”

Margaret had some particular praise for the workshop at HMP Risley.

“My last visit was to the workshop in HMP Risley. Much of its success is due to the instructor, Andrew Tawn, who says it is the best job he has ever had. Members of the prison’s senior management team, who very kindly came to meet me, are clearly very committed to the workshop and show it off as an indication of what can be achieved in prisons. A disparate group of prisoners, of ages between early 20s and late 50s, and several nationalities, was working together with commitment and cooperation. I can’t remember having seen such a well organised workshop anywhere in my 30 years of experience in this sort of work. Conversations with the work team indicated how much they appreciate the opportunity for building their own skills whilst working for the benefit of other people. It vividly demonstrates restorative justice in all its complexity. I am so proud to be associated, in some way, with it. “

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